Saturday, September 20, 2008

Prayer Points for Sarah Palin

~ Pray for spiritual and physical protection/covering.

~ Pray that she would have wisdom and understanding, and revelation from the Lord (Eph 1:17, Isaiah 11:2), and have wise counselors around her, receiving wise counsel.

~ Pray that she would maintain and increase her intimacy with God, that she would find time and make time to wait on the Lord in the secret place (Matt 6:6).

~ Pray that Sarah would have grace and favor, with the media, with other politicians, with the public, with the people, and even with her enemies.

~ Pray for Sarah's family: her husband, her children, and her sphere of friends.  Pray for God to be in the midst of them and cover them, and protect them from attacks.

~ Pray for boldness in Sarah, to stand for righteousness, justice, truth, love.

~ Pray that the peace of God would fill and surround Sarah, that she is planted in Christ and shall not be moved or shaken.

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