Wednesday, September 24, 2008

40 Days for Life kicks off today!

Get involved in the largest Pro-Life nationwide campaign in the history of America.  To plug into the movement in your local area, go to the national website, to find the nearest location.

For those of you in the Seattle area, go to !

Our nation will turn in the next 40 days, for the glory of God!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Samuel- Thank you for being a VOICE for your state and CALLING
OUT for LIFE! I have passed this PRAYER BLOG on to friends and we, as the BODY OF CHRIST stand with you!
I repent and renounce the sins of hatred and rebellion in this nation, that we have disobeyed God's word/voice and turned our backs to Him.
In Jesus name, we decree a shift towards righteousness that exalts a nation; one nation under God!