Good word by Arthur Burk of Plumbline Ministries. I really respect Arthur for his wisdom, knowledge, and revelatory insights. Read it below!
What happens to us is of little importance. How we respond to what happens to us is hugely indicative of who we are.
The church has broadly exposed its heart of idolatry by our response to the recent presidential election.
What is idolatry? God defines it very simply in Colossians 3:5. "...greed, which is idolatry."
In other words, in Old Testament times when an Israelite man did not receive from Yahweh what he requested, he came to the conclusion that God couldn't or wouldn't give him those resources. He then had three choices: bring his lifestyle into alignment with the will of Yahweh, downsize his expectations, or turn to some idol to give him what he wanted.
We do the same. The Body of Christ has lived a highly compromised life. Our proclamations of love and loyalty on Sunday morning are effaced by our Monday through Saturday lifestyle.
Consequently God has withdrawn His favor on us in many, many areas.
Most believers have opted not to come into compliance. We have developed sundry militant theologies against downsizing our expectations. Therefore, idolatry is our only alternative.
We have learned to worship our social and economic expertise which gets us some of what we want. We have also learned to look to the political process to insure a government that will facilitate our wants and wishes.
Now that the government is openly opposed to much of what the church holds dear, many Christians are in shock and are openly walking in fear. Their idolatry is exposed. The government of man, not the government of God was their basis for security.
The reality is that God's presence and power were not diminished one iota in the last election. He has a long track record of showing favor to righteous people.
Now that our idol has been exposed for its fickleness, why don't we renounce our faith in the twin idols of government and the economy, and start focusing on coming in to compliance with the heart of God and looking to Him for peace and provision?
Why Sarah Inspires Me
11 years ago
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