Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Congress needs to investigate Obama citizenship issues

Former Deputy Attorney General Philip Berg filed a lawsuit addressing the citizenship status of Barack Obama before the Democratic National Convention and copied Democratic Chairman Howard Dean. It should have alerted them that there was a possible problem before they selected their nominee. But that problem was ignored. Other lawsuits filed before Nov. 4 were also ignored, placing us in what could be a constitutional crisis.
The good news is the real election hasn't taken place yet. The Electoral College doesn't meet until Dec. 15. That gives us less than a month to find the answers to the looming questions regarding whether Barack Obama meets the constitutional requirements for the office of president.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

Video: Interview of Sarah back at home!

This is a great video, watch Sarah talk about the elections, the media, Alaska, etc. at this link:

Arthur Burk on the election results

Good word by Arthur Burk of Plumbline Ministries.  I really respect Arthur for his wisdom, knowledge, and revelatory insights.  Read it below!

What happens to us is of little importance. How we respond to what happens to us is hugely indicative of who we are.

The church has broadly exposed its heart of idolatry by our response to the recent presidential election. 

What is idolatry? God defines it very simply in Colossians 3:5.  "...greed, which is idolatry." 

In other words, in Old Testament times when an Israelite man did not receive from Yahweh what he requested, he came to the conclusion that God couldn't or wouldn't give him those resources. He then had three choices: bring his lifestyle into alignment with the will of Yahweh, downsize his expectations, or turn to some idol to give him what he wanted. 

We do the same. The Body of Christ has lived a highly compromised life. Our proclamations of love and loyalty on Sunday morning are effaced by our Monday through Saturday lifestyle. 

Consequently God has withdrawn His favor on us in many, many areas. 

Most believers have opted not to come into compliance. We have developed sundry militant theologies against downsizing our expectations. Therefore, idolatry is our only alternative.

We have learned to worship our social and economic expertise which gets us some of what we want.  We have also learned to look to the political process to insure a government that will facilitate our wants and wishes.

Now that the government is openly opposed to much of what the church holds dear, many Christians are in shock and are openly walking in fear. Their idolatry is exposed. The government of man, not the government of God was their basis for security.

The reality is that God's presence and power were not diminished one iota in the last election. He has a long track record of showing favor to righteous people. 

Now that our idol has been exposed for its fickleness, why don't we renounce our faith in the twin idols of government and the economy, and start focusing on coming in to compliance with the heart of God and looking to Him for peace and provision?

Mahesh and Bonnie Chavda's word about the election results

Read it at the link below!  Mahesh and Bonnie are leaders of All Nations church in Fort Mill, SC, and leaders of The Watch of the Lord ministries.  They have logged so many "prayer miles" with their church for the US government over the years that I believe they have the insight and authority to speak to the Body of Christ regarding the elections.


Sunday, November 9, 2008

Pastor Says Prayer Stopped Gay Marriage

Here is an article about Pastor Jim Garlow, who spearheaded the grassroot church effort in California to pass Proposition 8!  Pastor Garlow was one of the prayer leaders at The Call CA, which I was a part of on Nov 1st! 

Read the article at this link:

Dutch Sheets' word about the election results

Click here to read it!

Wednesday, November 5, 2008

What's next for this blog? (how shall we pray?)

Now that the election is over, and that Sarah Palin will not be the Vice President of US for this upcoming term, what will become of this blog?  What is clear to me is that this blog is still relevant because it contains lots of significant information and records that will help all of us for the next 4 years.  This blog stands as a testament of truth and the efforts of the people of God in fighting for truth, righteousness, and life!  In the future, we can always check back to the facts recorded on this blog, as "wisdom is justified by all her children." (Luke 7:35)

Personally I believe that Palin and McCain was God's choice, but it was the church and American people's choice, to go with God's choice or not.  Sadly, many in the church voted for Obama because they prioritized economic prosperity (personal comfort, leisure) over the most important issue of our lifetime--abortion.  Our prayers should and will be focused more on Obama.  And we still need to pray for Palin too because there is the possibility that she would run for president in 2012.

In praying for Obama, we need to pray that he would have the fear of the Lord and honor God, and that his ideology of "pro-abortion" and "pro gay-marriage" (he opposed Prop 8 in CA) would be radically changed.  We also need to pray that he would stand with Israel, appoint pro-life judges to the Supreme Court, seek godly counsel in regards to foreign policy and the economy.  It may seem almost impossible for Obama to change in these radical manner, but these are the exact things we need to pray for, and believe in.  If God can humble and transform King Nebuchadnezzar in Daniel 4 to a God-fearing leader, He can transform Obama as well.  Let's starting praying!  Jesus is the Lord over America, and Obama will give God all the glory!  No man can be the savior of a nation.  There is only one savior, one king.

Things may get difficult for the US in the next years.  Greater judgment of God may come to America, through terrorist attacks, economic crisis, the continual shedding of innocent blood through abortion, etc.  I do not desire to prophesy gloom and doom, but this nation will reap what she has sown.  The children of God need not to be afraid, but take heart and be courageous.  The kingdom of God is not deterred by any political, external event.  God's kingdom will advance regardless, because revival and harvest is near.  Let us not be discouraged, but press on in prayer and LIFE!

Romans 8:28--And we know that all things work together for good for those who love God and are called according to His purpose.  

God will preserve, protect, and prosper His people, no matter what happens.  The favor of the Lord will rest upon His children even in times of crisis.  Let us all seek to enter in His rest.  We fight from victory, we fight from the position of rest (Heb 4).

Lastly, I thank God for raising up Sarah Palin and bringing her onto the political scene in America.  She is godly woman, and a force to be reckoned with!  I know that God has great things in store for Sarah in the near future, and I will continue be praying for her.  Palin and her family faced relentless attacks from the liberals through out this campaign, yet she stood strong and pressed onward in the midst of all the vicious oppositions.  I have tremendous respect for her, for her faith, values, beliefs, character, wisdom, executive leadership, and her political skills as well.  I honor her and bless her in Jesus name!  Sarah Palin, I thank God for you.  Hope to see you in the White House in years to come!

Yes! Proposition 8 passes!

Praise God for the passing of Proposition 8 in California!  Our prayers and labor in California at The Call were not in vain!  Thank God for preserving the sanctity of marriage in CA!  Read the news report here.

Watch The Call CA on God.tv!

Go to www.god.tv to watch the entirety of the solemn assembly last Saturday in San Diego, CA!

McCain's final speech

Watch McCain's speech last night, with much honor and grace.  He is a true American hero.  God bless John McCain!


Read the entire text of his speech here.

The Brits had a pretty good perspective on McCain's speech.  Read the article by Telegraph here.

Election Postscript: Obama wins, how he got there

By now we know that Obama has won the US presidential election, defeating McCain/Palin.  Here are 2 significant factor why Obama won.  One, he broke his promise on campaign finance (to raise a lot more $ than McCain) and accepted millions of dollars from illegal, untraceable donors.  Second, the polls were tremendously skewed in the weeks leading up to the election, to give the public the impression that more people were supporting Obama.  An example of this is in how the Associated Press (AP) changed its poll sample "recipe" to favor Obama weeks after the Republican National Convention.

Here is the video on CNN about Obama's broken promise on campaign finance.

Read the text article by Campbell Brown.

Read the article on how Obama's campaign admitted to accepting millions from illegal, untraceable donors.

And here is the article on how AP changed its poll sample between early September and late September to reflect more people for Obama.

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Tuesday, November 4, 2008

A couple photos from The Call CA!

It was an honor to be there in San Diego last Saturday to battle with the finest prayer warriors in the Body of Christ! Lou Engle, the leader of The Call, exhorted all to go on a 3 day Esther fast. Tons of people are fasting right now. God, let your kingdom come, your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven!
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