Now is the time to walk on waves like Peter as we pray for these elections! We must obey every prompting of the Lord instructing us how to pray, and every command He gives, even if it seems as crazy as walking on water. We must keep our eyes on Jesus - not on the polls or the pundits, but on the risen Jesus who vanquished every principality & power on the cross!
Obeying the directions of the Lord has led us as a ministry to DC on several trips this month. We've participated in 24/7 prayer lifting up the cross of Christ on the Capitol grounds, seiged with LIFE tape at the Supreme Court, interceded at JHOP DC, and waged war in the heavenlies at Lafayette Park next door to the White House. We're going for one last prayer strike this weekend before the election.
Obeying the directions of the Lord has meant praying out of the revelation He's showed us:
- Fasting as He directs us
- Praying for the women voters of America to rise up as Deborah, and as Jael, who defeated the enemy with a tent peg - Judges 4
- Believing for the women in the families of each of the candidates to have a revelation from God, as Pilot's wife did - Matthew 27:19
- Declaring Jesus victorious over all principalities & powers, triumphing over them at the cross
- Rebuking fear of economic uncertainty, as well as spirits of anarchy, racism, death, and occultic influence, in Jesus' name
- Praying Psalm 91 protection over each candidate & his or her family
- Prophesying Psalm 103 over the nation, that youth would be renewed like the eagle's, and for removal of transgression as far as the east is from the west
- Proclaiming that Sarah Palin would fulfill her destiny in God's timing, and have a George Washington anointing of protection, statesmanship, and leadership
- Asking for the cry for mercy to be louder than the cry for change
- Proclaiming that strategy from heaven will be given to intercessors, as Joshua received strategy to defeat Jericho
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